Thursday, September 29, 2011


Less than a week till I leave, we are counting down the days. My last Thursday in the states is over. I spent the day getting my hair cut short and then finding tickets for the buckeye game this Saturday. My dad was looking at 150 a piece I got 2 seats 5th row from the field for 125 a piece, on the 44 yard line. some of the best seats in the house.

We weighed out all my stuff adding up to about 107lbs but with two suit cases at 50lbs a peice and a carry on bag I will be ok.

My flight leaves Tuesday morning at 9:40 am from Detroit to Chicago a two hour layover then from Chicago to Tokyo. Where i will arrive at 3:30 pm Wednesday afternoon.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Leave Date

Just to update I got my leave time. October 4th, 2011 at 9:40 am and will arrive in Tokyo at 3:30 pm on October 5th, 3:30 pm Tokyo time, 2:30 am eastern Standard time.

I will be leaving from Detroit, with a hour flight to Chicago, then 2 hour and 25 minute delay before I leave for Tokyo. Once I have more details I'll post.

Oh Saturday I'm going to See OSU beat MSU. Go Buckeyes :D

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Goodbye party

Good Luck Kaz
So yesterday I had my going away party which was really nice. We ended up having wings that my mom made and  a lot of different type of food. There was a big sign saying Good Luck Kaz in Japanese.

My official leave date is October 4th. So in a little over a week I will be leaving. I ended up with a lot of nice cards from yesterday, and I wanted to say thank you to everyone who came, and thank you for your thoughts and prayers to all those who were unable to make it last night.

Right now I have my clothes and other items piling up to leave. This week I'll be doing with my moms help a test run at packing to get an idea where I am weight wise with everything. It's very strange to say the least.

As my mom said "It feels real now"

This is my supply so far :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Getting ready to go

Well it's about a quarter to 2 here in the states. I'm doing my best to stay awake to help get me adjusted to the time change. Big news is my going away party this coming Saturday. My original leave date was the 1st of October but who knows with all the paperwork stuff sigh... Ah well I'll shall keep updating. It is kind of hard to stay awake surprising. Oh and Today Tuesday 9/20/2011 I'm going to end of year softball party. Probably the last one the team will have.

Yesterday I spent time going over my brothers stuff. If a student has an IEP, it is the teachers responsibility to know what is required of them. It doesn't matter if you have 1 student or 45 it is still your legal responsibility. At least I will not have to deal with that type of thing in my classroom in Japan.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Goodbye from the kids

So yesterday I got some nice goodbye messages from Summer, Anthony, Brandon, and Bradley. We spent the evening going out to old country Buffet, and then played some games at the mall, and saw The Smurfs. We had a lot of fun, and I will miss them. That being my last trip to Ohio, before I leave. 13 days till I leave :D.